Day in Tribute to the herdsman Fanfonne Guillierme
08:30 , Parade of Provençal folk groups, the Nacioun Gardiano, the Brotherhood of Gardians, carriages and musicians
09:30, Mass of the Guardians in Provençal - Saint Saturnin Church
Blessing of the Horses - Castle Square
10:45 a.m. , Acampado on maintaining traditions - Place du Château
11:30 a.m. , 2 Abrivado led only by female riders, Aubanel manade.
Followed by a roussataïo with the mares and foals of the Fourmaud manade
12:00 p.m. , Aperitif in the courtyard of the Fanfonne Guillierme school
1:00 p.m. , Traditional meal - L. Dumas Room
Reservations 06 80 58 98 54 (Before February 27)
3:00 p.m. , Royale of the Fanfonne Guillierme manade - At the arenas
Entrance: €13 - Under 12s: €7
Mairie Aimargues
04 66 73 12 12