A singular and multiple heritage

This territory offers you few vestiges of the past but its history has left important traces which are revealed throughout your travels.

Self-guided tours

We invite you to discover the history of our villages through walking tours from our Heritage Guide

Two car tours are also available on the Bullfighting Heritage and the Protestant Heritage . Using the brochure, you can make your own circuit without traffic directives, giving you only elements of historical context .

Camargue heritage Camargue heritage
randoland camargue

Fun family walks

For a playful discovery of the city centers and villages, we put at your disposal the Randoland tour sheets. The Randoland tours are available for the towns of Aimargues, Le Cailar and Vauvert by downloading or at the Tourist Office. You will find a parent sheet with a map of the village as well as a sheet with an investigation to solve for each age group of your children, 4/6 years, 7/9 years and over 10 years. Find the clues by observing the historical, architectural or natural heritage and FOLLOW THE TRACKING GAME!

We are waiting for you at the Tourist Office with your diploma of little investigator !


Château de Teillan

Château de Teillan

The Château de Teillan, listed as a Historic Monument, is located 3 kilometers south of the village of Aimargues.

33 (0)6 29 93 03 44